A monthly community coaching program for artists who are ready to break the rules


What makes an artist successful?

It's not just raw talent.

What’s the common denominator in the enormous success of artists like Renoir, Monet, deKooning, Joan Mitchell, Basquiat, Warhol, and others?

They were obviously talented and had a signature style. They were innate creators and creatives. 

But it wasn’t their talent OR their style that made them successful. They weren’t alone in their genius. 

What TRULY set their careers on fire was THEY WERE PART OF A COMMUNITY/SOCIETY that supported them. 

Whether it was the Paris Salon in the 1860s for Renoir, Degas, Monet, and others…

Or the 1940’s for Jackson Pollock, de Kooning, Mitchell & others…

Or the 1970’s for Basquiat, Haring, Warhol…


NONE of them did it alone.

Finding a community of artists can give you that emotional support you need when you’re feeling vulnerable AF about your latest piece.

Community is what pushes us to put our work out into the world successfully, to reach out to that gallery or designer to get representation, to move beyond our fears to achieve our big, crazy dreams.

Community can give you the breakthrough you need to figure out your next step. 


Community is VITAL to us artists. 

That’s why I created the Rebel Artists Society.


INTRODUCING: The Rebel Artist Society

The Rebel Artists Society is a monthly community coaching program designed to provide you with mentorship and connection with a community of artists. In addition to support and connection, you’ll also learn new tools to elevate your work, find your voice, and start creating your dream career. It’s the perfect opportunity to get the creative inspiration you’re seeking, with the added support of other artists (including me!) who just get it. 

Rebels: Let's band together. The Society’s waiting for you.

Due to the nature of the program, every candidate is evaluated to ensure we create a cohesive community. Apply at the link below.


2 Monthly Coaching Calls

Bi-monthly group coaching calls where you can get your biggest questions answered. It’s time to get unstuck!

A Community of Fellow Artists

Connect with other caring artists in an asshole-free zone who know EXACTLY what kind of hurdles you’re staring down right now.


Opportunities to brainstorm, workshop ideas, and even vent with me and others in the group.

Exclusive Art Career Resources

Reinforce what you learn in the Rebel Artists Society with resources you won’t find anywhere else. They’re yours to keep and refer back to whenever you need.

Art Critiques (Quarterly)

Have the dedicated time you need to focus on moving forward with your art.

Exclusive Discounts

Get exclusive discounts on Jodie King programs and offerings while you're a member.

Your Investment

Get access to an incredible mentorship program, group support, expert guidance, and the accountability you need to reach your art career goals. Plus, invaluable resources that will take your art to new heights.



Get access to an incredible mentorship program, group support, expert guidance, and the accountability you need to reach your art career goals. Plus, invaluable resources that will take your art to new heights.


*This is special pricing for founding members. Billing starts at sign up for $47 a month for a minimum of three months.  



All I ask is that you commit to 3 months of the Rebel Artists Society. After that, you’ll be a member on a month-to-month basis. You’re free to leave (or stay) as you wish. Why are we doing it this way? I truly believe that you need time for these resources and this level of guidance to really sink in. You need time to apply it and to find your groove so everything you learn can make the biggest impact possible.

It’s time to move your art career forward with a community of other artists.


50% Complete

Two Step

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